Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Valentines for You!

It's almost time for sweet sentiments, pink and red hearts, and valentines and I'm joining with Elaine at Summercrafter to do some fun Valentine's projects and tutorials for you from February 1st to the 7th.  I'll present my tutorials on the 2nd, 4th, and 6th.  Go see what Elaine has too!
Here is a little sneak peak of a couple of my projects.  So come back soon!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Joining in the Handmade Christmas Challenge!

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge

I got motivated to meet the January Handmade Christmas Challenge, hosted by SewCalGal.

  I had to make something quick since today is the last day of the linky party and came up with a Christmas Apron!  Wouldn't you love to receive a cute new apron along with some darling measuring spoons or even a Jar of Cookie Mix or potholder? Cookie Mix Tutorial can be found here.

Snowman print apron

Here's a tutorial in case you want to make an apron too!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Blogger Girls Quilt of the Month II -- my blocks

Sewing blocks for the quilt along:  It's not easy to pick the fabrics for these blocks because I can't visualize how they will look when pieced together so it was sort of a gamble.  I decided to go with the cherry fabrics and pulled out some other fabrics that hopefully coordinate. 

 The blocks turned out pretty good but now figuring out the sashing/finishing is another challenge!

 In case you want to join in, directions for these blocks are found at Open Gate Blog 
Also here is the list of official particpating bloggers who have made blocks in different colors.
Sherri from A Quilting Life -
JoAnne from  A Patriotic Qulter -
Lissa from Moda Lissa ~
Denise from Quilter’s Window ~
Jodi from Pleasant Home ~
Monique from Open Gate Blog ~

Friday, January 17, 2014

Bad Tea Bag Fabric Dying

My daughter has this little dress that has a cotton bottom and knit tank top and she wants to redo it by removing the knit top portion and adding a peasant blouse bodice.
She carefully picked out the seams.

She wanted to find something in my stash to work with.  I had lots of odds and ends that coordinated but all too small.  This one had potential but I told her we should use a tea bag to tone it down.

I boiled water and added the tea bag.  You can probably already see something is wrong.

Scottie Dog Baby Quilt and Pillow Completed

I'm so happy that I'm ready to mail this little Scottie dog set to Sydney Carol, my 1st cousin, twice removed!

Sydney Carol
It's bound with pink stripes going diagonally.

It's quilted with King Tut, Tiny Tuts variegated pastels.

I even made a Scottie dog label and called it "Scotties for Sydney"

Here is the little set sitting on my shelves.  Always good to do a photo op here because the shelves get dusted and rearranged.  I decided to keep the little snowman up for now and hope to do something Christmas-y throughout the year.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Patchwork Scottie Dog Pillow and tutorial Updated

Little Scottie Dog (I think it's a scottie?)

Here he is sitting on the quilt top which is ready to quilt.
This is a tutorial for the stuffed dog but I've also included the measurements in case you want to make the block.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Looking forward to TWO Block of the Month Quilt Alongs

I decided to try something new and join in two.  They are both free and the blocks are cute and fun! 
Here  is my January block for Sew Kitschy

Here are the fabrics I'll be using for this project.
 This one is called Sew Kitschy by Kristy at her blog, Quiet Play, and they are retro kitchen blocks.

Sew Kitschy
Also I'm linking up with Kristy because she's having a linky party for everyone who is participating so you might want to check out the others! 

 Here are some cherry fabrics that I got at JoAnne's tonight.  They're 40% off and I had an extra 25% off coupon!  They'd be so cute in a block of the month or for an apron, etc.!

This is the other one, called Blogger Girls Block of the Month II and you can find the info. here at Open Gate Blog

Blogger Girls Block of the Month II - Free Quilt Along
I haven't made the block for this one yet.  This photo doesn't do the blocks justice and there are several bloggers doing their own versions so you can see different color combos, so I encourage you to check that out.

I also want to give credit to Julie the Crafty Quilter because she featured all sorts of BOMs and Quilt Alongs on her Sew Thankful Sunday post and I'm linking that here in case you'd like to check that out and that's where I found the two BOMs I'm joining.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Quilted patchwork Scottie Dogs

I spent much of yesterday making quilt block parts and ended up with three completed blocks by 10:30 last night.  Got the idea from Carolyn Forster (see next picture with link to her blog).  Except I made my dogs have pointy ears and tail.  I think I'll sash them similar to hers also.
I used 2 inch squares and the blocks turned out to be 12 1/2" unfinished.  I'm going to make 9 (3x3) and maybe make the little stuffed dog too!  And hopefully this will make it to my cousin's little grand baby soon!

Have you seen this cute little quilt made by Carolyn Forster, while perusing quilt blogs or Pinterest?

I've added the borders, but need to get some backing for this.  I plan to try and get a little more creative with my machine quilting.

Also, I thought I'd show you this picture of the purple quilt on the bed with the filtered afternoon light coming in. The grayish purples can be very calming and good for a bedroom.

Lastly, have you begun the new year with some exercise?  I went for a 1 1/2 mile walk yesterday and today, a 10 mile bicycle ride out to a wildlife preserve.  About half way there, I wished I'd brought my camera or GoPro.  I'll have to bring it next time and want to do some posts like that for motivation for me (and maybe you too)!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Purple Quilt Completed

I sewed these purples together around Sept. or October.  I added the borders a week or so ago and finished quilting it yesterday in a meandering design, and sewed on the binding today.  Finished size is 76" x 89".

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Quilt in the Snow

I went to visit my dad in Nevada a couple days ago.  There was some old snow on the ground and since I admire many of the "quilts in the snow" shots that bloggers post and there was a quilt I made in 2011 for my dad's birthday that I hadn't photographed, I figured it was a good opportunity to try it out!

I had just read a photography tutorial by Ann at Play Crafts and she said that indirect light is helpful in getting desired results.  Keep in mind that this is my first try and I need a lot more practice.

It seemed so dull in the indirect light that I decided to try direct light.  My dad was always a hunter and fisherman and so the star blocks are alternated with blocks of bear, elk, deer, and fish which are framed log cabin style.  Dad's favorite color is blue so it's the main color along with some woodsy colors.

Double Irish Chain Completed on March 17th

Where did the time go?  I thought I'd published this but must've forgotten. Quilted and bound. Before quilting and binding Also comp...